Calendar Slicer Settings

You can manage the calendar slicer's settings to change the year start date, the week start day, and display options in the slicer. To customize the calendar slicer's settings, opening its settings dialog.

Customize Settings for Calendar Slicers

Configure the slicer preferences from the Slicer Settings panel. Start by clicking the slicer's context menu and select Settings:

The Slicer Settings panel will open along the bottom of the canvas. The panel features 4 tabs along the left; each tab exposes options relating to various slicer settings.


The Type settings let you change the slicer's title and type.

  • Title: edit the slicer title.
  • Type: select a slicer type from the drop-down menu.
  • Data Source: the Data Source panel displays the data source metadata, including the data source, database, data model, and the hierarchy used in the filter.

Load Time

The load time settings determine which of the slicer's elements will be automatically loaded when the report is opened.

Initial Selection Mechanism

The initial selection mechanism determines which slice will be automatically loaded when the user opens the report.

Saved Selection by Name
  • Select the initial slicer selection by name; this slicer will be selected by default whenever the report is opened.
  • Functional

    Set the default slicer selection according to a specified date function.

    Function Type

    This drop-down is exposed when the Initial Selection Mechanism is set to Functional. Set the function type by which to apply the initial slicer selection:

    • Current: set the default selection as the current date, month, semester, quarter, or year.
    • First: set the default selection as the first date, month, semester, quarter, or year in the slicer.
    • Last: set the default selection as the last date, month, semester, quarter, or year in the slicer.
    Subsequent Selection Options

    Subsequent selection options determine whether or not the user's slicer selection will be saved. If so, these selections will override the given 'initial selection mechanism'.

    Remember user's last selection

    Enable this option to save the current user's saved slicer selection. Each time the user saves the report, the currently selected slice will be saved, and that slice will automatically be loaded when the report is next opened by that user.

    If this option is not enabled, the given 'initial selection mechanism' will be loaded every time the user opens the report.


    Year Start (Day/ Month)

    By default, the year start is set to 01 January, but this can be changed by selecting a month and/ or date from the Year Start field. For instance, you may want to change the year start to the beginning of the fiscal year.

    Changes to the year start date are reflected in several of the date/ time groupings. For instance, if you set the year start to 01 July, then:

    • Semester 1 will be the first 6 month period from 01 July.
    • Q1 will reflect the first 3-month period from 01 July (July-September).
    • The 7-day period beginning on 01 July is the first week of the year.

    Which Year

    Next, from the Next Year drop-down, select if the year start is this year or next year. For example, if you're filtering for an academic year, beginning on 01 September, you need to choose if the start date (01 September) refers to this year, or next year.

    Week Start

    By default, the week start is set to Sunday. You can change the week start by selecting a different day from the Week Start drop-down. For instance, if the week start is Monday in your organization, you can change the week start to Monday.

    In the example below, the week start was set to Wednesday:

    Display Option

    From the drop-down, select which types of calendar picker to display: simple, range, and/ or formula.

    Show Granularity

    By default, granularity is enabled, meaning you can change the granularity in the calendar picker in order to filter by a variety of date/ time groupings, like year, quarter, or week.

    If you disable granularity, then only the date grouping will be enabled in the calendar picker.

    Other Options

    From the Other Options tab, you can disable and enable the filter button, background chips, and auto run for the slicer.


    The slicer features a filter button next to its context menu. This button is used to enabled and disable the filter as needed. The filter is enabled by default, meaning that whenever the report is opened in Discover or Present, it's automatically filtered.

    The default filter behavior can be disabled (meaning that by default, the visual will not be filtered unless the user enables the filter), or the filter button can be hidden entirely.

    Hide Disable Button

    Hide the disable button so that users cannot disable the slicer.


    Change the default slicer behavior to disabled. When the report is opened in Discover Present, it won't be filtered unless the user enables the slicer by clicking its filter button or making a slicer selection.

    Filtering can also be enabled or disabled from the slicer itself, by toggling the funnel icon.

    Background Chip

    Enable Background Chip

    Select this option to enable background filtering for single elements. Click here to learn more.

    Auto Run

    Enable or disable auto run. When enabled, the query will run automatically when a slice is selected. When disabled, the query will not be run when a slice is selected; instead, you'll run the query manually by clicking the run button.